Install VLC on CentOS 6.5

VLC is a useful when we watch videos on CentOS even Linux system.


Get VLC from the website:

You can choose the proper version that suits your computer system.



Install VLC with the following commands(symbol ‘//‘ for anotate)

$sudo yum clean all //clean the cache

$sudo yum update

$sudo yum install libvoribis

And now, the basic dependencies are completely installed. Contract VLC install package you download before, and entry the directory, and follow the commands below:


When I did this, an error occured:

Error: Package tuple (‘gstreamer1-plugins-base’, ‘i686’, ‘0’, ‘1.2.2’, ‘1.fc20’) could not be found in rpmdb


$sudo yum install gstreamer1-plugins-base


Again occured an error:

configure: error: No package ‘libavcodec’ found No package ‘libavutil’ found. Pass –disable-avcodec to ignore this error.


$sudo yum install ffmpeg-devel.i686 0:2.1.4-1.fc20


Shows the error:

configure: error: Could not find liba52 on your system: you may get it from Alternatively you can use –disable-a52 to disable the a52 plugin.

$sudo yum install a52dec.i686

$sudo yum install a52dec.i686 a52dec-devel.i686


Error mesage as:

configure: error: No package ‘alsa’ found. alsa-lib 1.0.24 or later required.

$sudo yum install alsa-lib.i686 alsa-lib-devel.i686


And error message as:

configure: error: libgcrypt version 1.1.94 or higher not found. Install libgcrypt or use –disable-libgcrypt. Have a nice day.

$sudo yum install libgcrypt-devel.i686



$sudo make install

Then you can watch videos with VLC.