Use NTFS formats on CentOS

CentOS can not read or write ntfs format, so if you insert your hard disk into the computer, Centos will tell you “uable mount”.

The ntfs-3g is the solution of this problem. The ntfs-3g driver is an open source, GPL licensed, third generation Linux NTFS driver. It provides full read-write access to NTFS, excluding access to encrypted files, writing compressed files, changing file ownership, access right.

1.Download the latest rpmforge-release rpm from:

you can use the command:

2.Install rpmforge-release rpm:

#rpm -Uvh rpmforge-release-0.5.2-1.el6.rf.i686.rpm

3.Install fuse-ntfs-3g rpm package:

#yum install fuse-ntfs-3g

After completed, you can try your hard disk again.