Install WPS on CentOS


1.Download wps from the website: or use the following command:

2.Install rpm file without dependencies
$sudo rpm -ivh wps-office- –nodeps

3.Download libstdc++-4.8.2-7.fc20.i686.rpm from the website: or use the following command:

I suppose your download location is ~/Downloads/libstdc++-4.8.2-7.fc20.i686.rpm

4.Unpack the rpm file
$cd ~/Downloads/
$rpm2cpio libstdc++-4.8.2-7.fc20.i686.rpm | cpio -idmv
$ls -al

We can find a usr folder.

5.Copy the lib file to the wps lib file
$sudo cp ~/Downloads/usr/lib/ /opt/kingsoft/wps-office/office6/

6.Install the dependencies
$sudo yum install -y glibc.i686 libX11.i686 freetype.i686 zlib.i686 glib2.i686 libpng.i686 libSM.i686 libICE.i686 libXrender.i686 libXext.i686 fontconfig.i686 cups-libs.i686

7.Now we can open the wps with icon of command($wps &). But when creating a new file, the wps will quit immediately, maybe the freetype is too old. Download freetype-2.4.11-6.fc19.i686.rpm from the website: or use the following command:

I suppose your download location is ~/Downloads/freetype-2.4.11-6.fc19.i686.rpm

8.Unpack the rpm file and copy the lib to the proper folder.
$rpm2cpio freetype-2.4.11-6.fc19.i686.rpm | cpio -idmv
$sudo cp ~/Downloads/usr/lib/ /opt/kingsoft/wps-office/office6/

9.And now, you can use wps normally.

10.When you open it, it maybe says you lost your fonts, and you can goto the website: to find the solution of the problem.

The download website in Origianl Article is incorrect, because it is reset and you can not visit it. Visit my link above will get correct file.